Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Choosing a Place to Live

When you choose to live in a home at a specific place on this globe and interract with that community, you create an activation of energy in your personal life.

By knowing the numbers of the place, you will be able to bring your personal energy into harmony with the spirit or energy of this place you choose.

What do you need to experience in this new place, and at this time in your life? What do you need to learn? Or it may be that you need to be in this new place in order to meet someone who will have a great affect on your life. Discover the energy of the place where you live.

For instance, let’s take a look at Washington, D. C. = 20/2
Washington, District of Columbia = 47/11/2

The energy of 2 is all about relationships.

In the short version the 2 is in a 20 [relationships on a higher level, signified by the added “0”]. The full version still reduces down to a 2 but takes a different route to get there.

The 4 is practical, efficient, reliable, and strong-willed in the positive sense. On the negative side of the energy it could be stubborn, demanding, narrow-minded, dogmatic, and greedy. Add this to the 7 energy positives of perceptive, creative, intuitive, thoughtful, religious and scientific. On the negative side secretive, sarcastic, repressed, and distant or unsympathetic. Washington by itself is a 4. District of Columbia is a 7. Only together is it a 47/11/2.

11 is a Master Number that is supposed to work for the good of humanity. 11 is the
master of inspiration and idealism. It is a visionary that brings light to the word; a leader with spiritual consciousness, reformer of world problems and wants to uplift others. An 11 needs to develop integrity and honesty and then teach it to the world. The 11 cannot teach this to others if it has not experienced these things for itself. For an 11/2, the pendulum swings between fears and phobias to the greatness of enlightenment or possibly back to self-destruction.

The bottom line is 2. The positive side of 2 is harmony, unity, relationships, cooperation and the feminine principle. On the other side, is oversensitivity, dependency, discontentment and lack of concern for others.

How would your personal energy mesh with the energy of Washington, D. C.? Each of our elected officials, deal with this energy every day.

How would you deal with it?

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Monday, November 07, 2005

Potential for Change...

When everything is in harmony no one wants to change. But when things are out of synch causing discord there is a great potential for change to happen. An extreme word for discord could be chaos. Disagreement leads to discord and possible chaos or disorder.

We have seen this recently in the mass disorder as a result of the hurricane Katrina. The chaos created by apparent disorder “random changes in a weather system’s extreme sensitivity to small differences in initial conditions” as stated in the Encarta Dictionary.

We are also seeing this in our society with more disagreement everyday as to the way this administration is running its right-wing empire. I assure you that the discord resulting from the disagreements is dislodging the general public’s comfort level and harmony. Extreme price increases in gas and fuel alone literally disrupts a person’s comfort level especially for the middle and lower class of the population. When the people of the lower and middle class have to face survival issues because of the upper class it usually results in a revolt of some type. When a government forces an economic hardship and also cuts off the resources to assist with the backlash it can create discord enough bring about the demand for change in previously complacent people.

What is fascinating me in observing these current events unfold, is the way the numbers of the people in the news or shall I say 'in the eye of the storm,' are telling a story of numbers coming together in commonality in some cases.

One that is quite obvious to me as a numerologist is Mr. Bush, whose numbers are [Native Path 33/6, Soul 25/7, Persona 44/8, Destiny 69/15/6, Maturity 102/12/3, Birthday 6], is successful in his position in life because his Native Path, Destiny, and Birthday are all a number 6. His Native Path number is 33/6 the same as Samuel Anthony Alito’s Destiny number. Therefore a 33/6 Native Path is effecting the destiny of the person with the 33/6 Destiny number.

It is as if Mr. Alito’s destiny has been waiting for Mr. Bush’s Native Path to give him the means to reach his destiny. When someone crosses our path with the same numbers as one of our own major numbers is can be very helpful in our advancement or is can be very intense adding to our discomfort level which always brings about change.

Another person in the eye of the storm lately is Lewis “Scooter” Libby. His Native Path, 8/22/50, is 45/9 and the date of his indictment and resignation, 10/28/05 is also a 45/9.

When our own Native Path Number or other major number presents itself in a current date there is always potential for a major happening to occur. This applies to all of our basic numbers [Native Path, Soul Number, Persona Number, Destiny Number, Maturity Number and Birthday]


“You are always aware of the expectations of others, and you hold off on expressing your opinion until everyone has had their say; then you point to the mistakes and the things that were overlooked. Your success in solving problems and in finding answers is the result of a process of elimination, more than it is a matter of stringing together logical answers.”

George w. Bush’s Rational Thought number is also 45/9.

Lewis “ Scooter” Libby is unusual in the fact that four out of six of his personal numbers are Master Numbers. A Master number is a double of one number, such as 11, 22, 33, 44, etc. Libby's Native Path 45/9, Soul 44/8, Persona 29/11/2, Destiny 55/10/1, Maturity 100/1, Birthday 22: Personal Year 8/22/05 is a 37/10/1.

Libby’s Destiny number and his Personal Year are 10/1. Another commonality is Dick Cheney’s Native Path is a 46/10/1. Yet another commonality comes from an article about Libby and Cheney’s previous history in the former Bush administration.

On Sept. 25, 1992, a nuclear blast shook China’s western desert,” the Times wrote. “From spies and electronic surveillance, American intelligence officials determined that the test was a breakthrough in China’s long quest to match American technology for smaller, more sophisticated hydrogen bombs.”

In September 1992, George H.W. Bush was still president.

In the early years of the Clinton administration, U.S. intelligence experts began to suspect that the Chinese nuclear breakthrough most likely came from purloined U.S. secrets.

The day that China tested its first nuclear bomb was 9/25/92 which is an exact match, 55/10/1, to Libby’s Destiny number. This has to do with U.S secret technology. Don’t forget the number 5 is about secrets and being secretive. With a double five it is intensified. I can’t think of anything more intense then a nuclear energy. [nuclear = 29/11/2, energy 29/11/2] Both words carry a Master Number vibration. The word [bomb=14/5] carries a five vibration as well. As I stated previously, Lewis, Scooter, and Libby each total 14/5 which means that previous actions can wreak havoc at a later time.

The Bush Family numbers as a whole are very interesting.

George Bush Native Path, 6/12/24, is a 34/7:
China’s Native Path, 10/01/49, is a 34/7.

George W. Bush Native Path, 7/6/46, is a 33/6, Persona is a 44/8:
Iran’s Native Path, 10/7/06, is a 33/6. George W. Bush Persona 44/8:
Iraq’s Native Path, 7/14/58, is a 44/8
India’s Native Path, 8/15/47, is a 44/8

Laura Bush Native Path, 11/4/46, is a 35/8. The number 8 drew them together.

Jeb Bush Native Path, 2/11/1953, is a 22/4 with an 11 Birthday

The U.S’s Native Path, 7/4/1776, is a 32/5, I find it curious that George is a double 3 and Jeb is a double 2.

32/5 an entity that values freedom and creates change. 5 is a risk taker that loves discovering the new and unexplored territory. It is about being a free spirit and unconventional, rebelling against the status quo.

Other Persons of interest with Master Numbers:
John Forbes Kerry’s Native Path is 22/4, Birthday is 11

Master Numbers have the potential to effect* a change in humanity. This change ideally is for the good of humanity, but I am sure it can go both ways. We never really know the outcome until later. This change could very well be necessary to turn complacency into action.

Numerology is sort of like connecting the dots.

*According to Encarta Dictionary: definition of EFFECT

1. result
A change or changed state occurring as a direct result of action by somebody or something else.

2. power to influence
success in bringing about a change in somebody or something, or the ability to achieve.

3. being in force or operation
the state of being in force in operation, or the case, often from a particular point of view

4. impression
An impression produced in the mind of somebody who sees, hears, or reads something, especially one that is deliberately intended or engineered

5. cause or production of an impression
something that produces an impression, or the actual process of causing a special feeling or impression. [a grand little speech made merely for effect.
Encarta Dictionary

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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Who Is This Man?

Who is this man Lewis Scooter Libby? Or is it I. Lewis Libby?

Libby seems to be very secretive about his first name using only his first initial. It has been said in numerology that the first vowel of your name can tell others a lot about you. But if you are continually using different names with different vowels people have a very difficult time seeing the deeper you. He seems most comfortable identifying himself like this, " 'Judy,' he said. 'It's Scooter Libby.' " 10/22/2005 Washington Post article.

Why is a 55 year old man working in the Bush Administration still using his childhood nickname? The double oo’s in Scooter gives people the impression that his is a 6 energy when he really is a 9 from the name Irve. It is like a bait and switch tactic to keep people from getting to know the real man.

Irve is a 9 energy and all three of his other names are a 14/5 energy. The 14/5 energy represents a person who is in line for direct consequences from previous actions. It is unusual for two out of three or four names to have the exact number vibration. So when I see three names with the same energy ( Lewis Scooter Libby) I really pay attention to the message that number is delivering.

Why isn’t he free to be himself? Why all the secrecy? What is he trying to hide? The 14/5 calls for a change in behavior or suffer the consequences. 14/5’s have to rein in any escapism from the task at hand.

This is curious. We have to watch and see how all this unfolds.

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