Who Is This Man?
Who is this man Lewis Scooter Libby? Or is it I. Lewis Libby?
Libby seems to be very secretive about his first name using only his first initial. It has been said in numerology that the first vowel of your name can tell others a lot about you. But if you are continually using different names with different vowels people have a very difficult time seeing the deeper you. He seems most comfortable identifying himself like this, " 'Judy,' he said. 'It's Scooter Libby.' " 10/22/2005 Washington Post article.
Why is a 55 year old man working in the Bush Administration still using his childhood nickname? The double oo’s in Scooter gives people the impression that his is a 6 energy when he really is a 9 from the name Irve. It is like a bait and switch tactic to keep people from getting to know the real man.
Irve is a 9 energy and all three of his other names are a 14/5 energy. The 14/5 energy represents a person who is in line for direct consequences from previous actions. It is unusual for two out of three or four names to have the exact number vibration. So when I see three names with the same energy ( Lewis Scooter Libby) I really pay attention to the message that number is delivering.
Why isn’t he free to be himself? Why all the secrecy? What is he trying to hide? The 14/5 calls for a change in behavior or suffer the consequences. 14/5’s have to rein in any escapism from the task at hand.
This is curious. We have to watch and see how all this unfolds.
scooter libby, CIA leak, Valerie Plame, PlameGate, Politics, Current Affairs
Libby seems to be very secretive about his first name using only his first initial. It has been said in numerology that the first vowel of your name can tell others a lot about you. But if you are continually using different names with different vowels people have a very difficult time seeing the deeper you. He seems most comfortable identifying himself like this, " 'Judy,' he said. 'It's Scooter Libby.' " 10/22/2005 Washington Post article.
Why is a 55 year old man working in the Bush Administration still using his childhood nickname? The double oo’s in Scooter gives people the impression that his is a 6 energy when he really is a 9 from the name Irve. It is like a bait and switch tactic to keep people from getting to know the real man.
Irve is a 9 energy and all three of his other names are a 14/5 energy. The 14/5 energy represents a person who is in line for direct consequences from previous actions. It is unusual for two out of three or four names to have the exact number vibration. So when I see three names with the same energy ( Lewis Scooter Libby) I really pay attention to the message that number is delivering.
Why isn’t he free to be himself? Why all the secrecy? What is he trying to hide? The 14/5 calls for a change in behavior or suffer the consequences. 14/5’s have to rein in any escapism from the task at hand.
This is curious. We have to watch and see how all this unfolds.
scooter libby, CIA leak, Valerie Plame, PlameGate, Politics, Current Affairs
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