Choosing a Place to Live

By knowing the numbers of the place, you will be able to bring your personal energy into harmony with the spirit or energy of this place you choose.
What do you need to experience in this new place, and at this time in your life? What do you need to learn? Or it may be that you need to be in this new place in order to meet someone who will have a great affect on your life. Discover the energy of the place where you live.
For instance, let’s take a look at Washington, D. C. = 20/2
Washington, District of Columbia = 47/11/2
The energy of 2 is all about relationships.
In the short version the 2 is in a 20 [relationships on a higher level, signified by the added “0”]. The full version still reduces down to a 2 but takes a different route to get there.
The 4 is practical, efficient, reliable, and strong-willed in the positive sense. On the negative side of the energy it could be stubborn, demanding, narrow-minded, dogmatic, and greedy. Add this to the 7 energy positives of perceptive, creative, intuitive, thoughtful, religious and scientific. On the negative side secretive, sarcastic, repressed, and distant or unsympathetic. Washington by itself is a 4. District of Columbia is a 7. Only together is it a 47/11/2.
11 is a Master Number that is supposed to work for the good of humanity. 11 is the
master of inspiration and idealism. It is a visionary that brings light to the word; a leader with spiritual consciousness, reformer of world problems and wants to uplift others. An 11 needs to develop integrity and honesty and then teach it to the world. The 11 cannot teach this to others if it has not experienced these things for itself. For an 11/2, the pendulum swings between fears and phobias to the greatness of enlightenment or possibly back to self-destruction.
The bottom line is 2. The positive side of 2 is harmony, unity, relationships, cooperation and the feminine principle. On the other side, is oversensitivity, dependency, discontentment and lack of concern for others.
How would your personal energy mesh with the energy of Washington, D. C.? Each of our elected officials, deal with this energy every day.
How would you deal with it?
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