Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Holiday Greetings

Holiday Greetings & Hello from Native Paths Numerology,

Native Paths is back with a new agenda, new energy and a new look for the new year ahead.

Christmas this year is 12/25/2005 = 44/8. This heralds the coming of the New Year 2006 which is an 8 energy.

According to Francene Hart, author of the Sacred Geometry Oracle, the 44 represents transmutation or dynamic change.

“This change is beyond what you have experienced before and promises to transmute the very core of your being into someone you might not recognize from your present perspective.”

As we begin a New Year, I like to look at the numbers that are contained within the year and the possibilities that it might hold for the world as a whole and how those numbers relate to me personally.

The World and Universal energy of the year 2006 is ‘8’
(2+0+0+6 = 8).

The ‘2’ and the ‘8’ are considered good business energies. The ‘6’ is a creative energy. That sounds like a productive and dynamic year of potential. This will be the year to focus on your personal business. Or it may be the ultimate year to start your own business. If you already have a business make sure you create new goals. Don’t be afraid to stretch yourself by making them Dynamic.

Some very interesting words came to my numerological mind when looking at 2006. They are PROSPERITY (62/8), DOLLAR (26/8) and INVEST (26/8). The words RICHES (35/8) and MIRACLES (35/8) are also an ‘8’ but with different components accomplishing the same end result. The words KARMA (17/8) and SUCCESS (17/8) also need to be mentioned. Last but not least is the hyphenated word WELL-BEING (44/8). Christmas Day of this year 12/25/2005 was a (44/8) energy day.

I would like to insert the complete quote from Francene Hart that I used part of at the beginning.

“This change is beyond what you have experienced before and promises to transmute the very core of your being into someone you might not recognize from your present perspective.

When time and space are viewed as holographic rather than linear, or as in the Hopi tradition, as a river on which one can travel forward and backward, it becomes clear that any event has more than one possible outcome. Quantum physics tells us that the observer affects the outcome of the experiment. Metaphysical thought further suggests that by our intentions we create our own future. All views indicate that we, as individuals, have an effect on the holographic nature of reality. Once you realize and learn to utilize this function of intention, you have a responsibility for not only the consequences of your behavior, but also the consequences of your thoughts. Know you are a very powerful being of intention. Pay attention to all your thoughts and transmute the ones that trouble you, or cause fear. By transmuting fear we are helping to usher in unity consciousness, heart connection , and compassion.”

Sacred Geometry Oracle, Francene Hart, page 103

I feel this will be help information to bring with you into 2006.

The ‘2’ energy is carried within TIME (20/2), AWE (11/2) CHANGE (29/11/2), RICH (29/11/2) and INTEREST (29/11/2).

The number ‘6’ energy is carried within SELF (15/6), LIFE (24/6), WEALTH (24/6), DYNAMIC (33/6), EXECUTIVE (42/6), GRATITUDE (42/6) and TIMELINE (42/6).

Those with a 2 Native Path are seeking harmony in life by playing the role of peace-maker and mediator. Will they be the ones to create the WELL-BEING and PROSPERITY? Or will it be those with a 6 Native Path who also needs harmony and plays the role of nurturer and healer as in Mother to the World or Earth Mother? Those with an ‘8’ Native Path play the role of the EXECUTIVE who works toward financial security by finding a balance between making the money and spending the money, in order to INVEST the money

TIME marches on into the Age of AQUARIUS (35/8). This process began around 1992 (21/3) and will be coming to completion around 2012 (5) making the 35 of the 8. It takes the TIME of (20) years to shift all of the planets from the previous age of PICSES (26/8). This is the placement of the world on an astrological TIMELINE (42/6).

Where are you on your TIMELINE according to your Native Path? With the word KARMA, I wonder if what I contemplated and began to sow in 2005 will be brought to fruition in 2006. What might you be bringing forth from the past to expand on or to heal?

How will you relate to the numbers of 2006? It might be time for you to find out by considering a Native Path numerological forecast reading for yourself.

I personally have a 22/4 Native Path number and am constantly trying to master those double 2’s to get to the stability of the four. So this twenty-first century with the ever present 2 gives me ample energy to draw on. I am feeling more stable in knowing who I am with every year that passes in this twenty-first century. I owe a lot of that to the wonderful intuitive energy that comes from those double zeroes. I sit in awe and GRATITUDE for all that I have.

I look forward to hearing from you in the New Year to reconnect to old acquaintances and welcome many new ones.

Wising you a Successful year in discovering your Dynamic Self,

Darlene Chadbourne

Native Paths Numerology
Personal Numerology Readings, Forecasts & Consultations

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Baby Name Numerology

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