New Year's Day Numbers
Happy New Year
1/1/2006 = 10/1
Today is the beginning of a new year and it is starting out with the true energy of 10/1. The last time this happened was on New Year’s Day 1/1/1700. The next time it will happen is 1/1/2015.
This only happens during the first part of a millennium until the total of the first two digits in the millennium reaches an ‘8’ as in 1/1/2600 in this century. After that it will not happen again until the next millennium. I call this a true 10/1 because the numbers do not have to be reduced to get to the 10. So I consider this a pure 10 energy day. We have this happen occasionally throughout the year, but I feel it is more significant when it appears on New Year’s Day.
I also feel this is significant with the possible discovery of a 10th planet. The first sighting I believe was in 2002. There was also, a TV mini-series a few years back called the 10th Kingdom. It was a story about crossing back and forth between worlds. These are things that refer to expanding our world at a time when we are in the process of expanding our consciousness.
The ‘10’ signifies a new beginning at a higher level. The ‘1’ is about strength and leadership. The ‘0’ amplifies that energy to a higher power. I will repeat. This only happens in an ‘8’ year. And even Christmas Day’s energy number was 44/8 - a master number heralding the coming of an ‘8’ year.
‘8’ is about balance on all levels - as above, so below, in its’ upright position. If it is laid on its side - it is the infinity symbol.
To me the infinity symbol represents balance between one another on this level of existence. Therefore the balance of ‘8’ that needs to be integrated into our life and our consciousness has the amplified energy of ‘10’ to help us accomplish so much more this year. Let us work with intention toward out highest good by balancing Love and Power in our dealings with one another.
Can we intentionally balance Love and Power in our individual lives as well as in our country and in our world as a whole?
Can we interact with others in a way that we take responsibility for our actions?
Can we change the greed and anger in the world to a power of peace and enlightenment?
Will we live to see the day that our government will have a Department of Peace instead of focusing only on greed and war to feed the greedy needs of those in Power?
If the majority of us focus all of our Power on Loving communication from deep within our being, rather then using Power over others to be in control and to dominate others, we can create a dynamic change in our world by living and loving in balance rather than in the extremes that we are witnessing in our world at this time.
“Better and safer is an assured peace than a victory hoped for; the one is in your own power, the other is in the hands of the gods.” As quoted, on page 107, by John Opsopaus in his Guide to the Pythagorean Tarot. This is a wonderful reference work by Opsopaus whose research efforts in symbolism, myth, astrology and numerology weaves together thousands of years of information.
We have been witnessing many changes over the last few years. I feel this is a time when we need to make a choice. We can either stay in the mentality of violence, terror, fear and control of the material world. Or, we can move beyond that mentality into a state of peaceful existence, in harmony with the earth and everyone in it. This is living in growth, joy and freedom. This is moving beyond the status quo, enjoying and fulfilling your life’s purpose.
Do you know how to receive the wealth of opportunities available to you from the universe?
Can you convert the input that you receive from the universe into output in the material world?
Do you work on turning negatives into positives?
Are you optimistic enough to seize an opportunity by thinking expansive enough to join the available resources together and create the synergy of something brand new?
To do this you must always be ready to move with agility and flexibility being alert enough use what is presented to you in the moment.
numerology New Year 2006
1/1/2006 = 10/1
Today is the beginning of a new year and it is starting out with the true energy of 10/1. The last time this happened was on New Year’s Day 1/1/1700. The next time it will happen is 1/1/2015.
This only happens during the first part of a millennium until the total of the first two digits in the millennium reaches an ‘8’ as in 1/1/2600 in this century. After that it will not happen again until the next millennium. I call this a true 10/1 because the numbers do not have to be reduced to get to the 10. So I consider this a pure 10 energy day. We have this happen occasionally throughout the year, but I feel it is more significant when it appears on New Year’s Day.
I also feel this is significant with the possible discovery of a 10th planet. The first sighting I believe was in 2002. There was also, a TV mini-series a few years back called the 10th Kingdom. It was a story about crossing back and forth between worlds. These are things that refer to expanding our world at a time when we are in the process of expanding our consciousness.
The ‘10’ signifies a new beginning at a higher level. The ‘1’ is about strength and leadership. The ‘0’ amplifies that energy to a higher power. I will repeat. This only happens in an ‘8’ year. And even Christmas Day’s energy number was 44/8 - a master number heralding the coming of an ‘8’ year.
‘8’ is about balance on all levels - as above, so below, in its’ upright position. If it is laid on its side - it is the infinity symbol.
To me the infinity symbol represents balance between one another on this level of existence. Therefore the balance of ‘8’ that needs to be integrated into our life and our consciousness has the amplified energy of ‘10’ to help us accomplish so much more this year. Let us work with intention toward out highest good by balancing Love and Power in our dealings with one another.
Can we intentionally balance Love and Power in our individual lives as well as in our country and in our world as a whole?
Can we interact with others in a way that we take responsibility for our actions?
Can we change the greed and anger in the world to a power of peace and enlightenment?
Will we live to see the day that our government will have a Department of Peace instead of focusing only on greed and war to feed the greedy needs of those in Power?
If the majority of us focus all of our Power on Loving communication from deep within our being, rather then using Power over others to be in control and to dominate others, we can create a dynamic change in our world by living and loving in balance rather than in the extremes that we are witnessing in our world at this time.
“Better and safer is an assured peace than a victory hoped for; the one is in your own power, the other is in the hands of the gods.” As quoted, on page 107, by John Opsopaus in his Guide to the Pythagorean Tarot. This is a wonderful reference work by Opsopaus whose research efforts in symbolism, myth, astrology and numerology weaves together thousands of years of information.
We have been witnessing many changes over the last few years. I feel this is a time when we need to make a choice. We can either stay in the mentality of violence, terror, fear and control of the material world. Or, we can move beyond that mentality into a state of peaceful existence, in harmony with the earth and everyone in it. This is living in growth, joy and freedom. This is moving beyond the status quo, enjoying and fulfilling your life’s purpose.
Do you know how to receive the wealth of opportunities available to you from the universe?
Can you convert the input that you receive from the universe into output in the material world?
Do you work on turning negatives into positives?
Are you optimistic enough to seize an opportunity by thinking expansive enough to join the available resources together and create the synergy of something brand new?
To do this you must always be ready to move with agility and flexibility being alert enough use what is presented to you in the moment.
numerology New Year 2006
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