Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Activites of September

9/9/2007 was the 27/9 energy that I wrote about the other day, followed by 9/10/2007 the 28/10/1 energy of yesterday. The # 1 energy is a creative energy of new beginnings. This is the energy that says it’s time to ground our heart’s desire into solid reality.

Heart’s desire is your passion. It is the energy of the soul that you have deep within you.

What are you PASSIONATE about?

If you don’t have a clue, think about things that you love to do, but never seem to have time for. Or if you do allow yourself the time to do the things you love, what is the one thing that can help you get lost in timelessness? When this happens you get so involved that hours have past and it seems like minutes.

For some of us it may be when the kids get on the school bus in the morning and we indulge ourselves in a craft project or a good book and the next thing we hear is the school bus. We have never thought about eating lunch or doing anything else that was on our to do list for the day. Some of us could get into house cleaning or rearranging then decorating, and this takes us into that state of TIMELESSNESS.

For others it could be writing, painting, gardening, woodworking, golfing, nature walks, or working on a hobby like restoring an old car. Then there are the puzzle lovers, be it mind games, such as Sudoku, or jigsaw puzzles. Meditating is the purest way to timelessness, but it takes a long time to discipline ourselves to let go to that extent. So in the meantime, the previous choices will do the trick.

Whatever it is, it is a necessary part of our well-being. It is in this still point that our truest and deepest part of the SELF can reveal itself.

You will notice that I said one energy is a time of new beginnings. This means that we need the following 9/11/2007, 29/11/2 energy of today to get a grasp on how to relate to this new energy. Figuring out how you relate to different activities that you are passionate about in order to attain that state of TIMELESSNESS is what adds to the energy of today.

The next step is in the expression of “1, 2, 3, GO.” Yes tomorrow is 9/12/2007, 30/3 energy.

You’ll notice how this month is unique in the fact the actual date is also the energy of the day. The reason for this is, it is the 9th month and the 9th year which total 18, which reduces to a 9 and any number added to a 9 will always reduce to the same base number.

For example, 9 +12+2007= 9+3+9= 21/3, the 12 reduces to the base number of 3 and the total of all the reduced numbers reduces to the number 3.

So, let’s get back to our 1, 2, 3, GO energy. Three is the number of creativity and expression. So let’s create it. I am sure you can see where I am going with this. The next day is the 13th reducing to a 4. This is where the grounding into reality comes in. Number four energy is about being solid, grounded and having a strong foundation. You can never have a solid foundation for anything new unless you first have the new beginning of an idea, then forming a relationship to it, following with the process of creating, which results in a materializing the product or thought.

The intensity of today’s Solar Eclipse and New Moon delivers the energy of new beginnings. The Intuitive energy of the Moon blocks or covers the Intellectual energy of the Sun, metaphorically speaking.

Let’s picture this. The New Moon has its dark side to us and is covering the Sun. This means that the Sun’s powerful light is being reflected back to the Sun.

If the Sun represents the masculine intellectual energy and the Moon represents the feminine intuitive energy, might it be like the Moon holding up a big Mirror to the Sun illuminating what the Masculine intellectual power has been creating in this warring energies we are in.

Maybe the Moon is saying, “Now look at what you have done with your overpowering intellect. You have amplified fear and completely disregarded the feminine intuitive, compassionate, loving energy that powers individuals to be all that they can be. It is time for the SHIFT. You have had your time of patriarchal control. It is time to SHIFT to the Egalitarian energy of the Aquarian Age.”

“It is time for all of humanity both individually and collectively to take part in the SHIFT and learn to live and love in balance. You have used your power long enough to control and dominate all of humanity with fear. It is time to let each individual get in touch with their own intuitive voice and let them be more responsible for their thoughts and actions, to use their power wisely and in the way that they choose. This will allow them to have the choice to empower themselves. Please release the power over others.”

“The power from within each individual will bring in an era of peace and enlightenment, where acts of greed and anger will not have the energy to survive, but acts of peace, compassion and love will have the space to thrive.”

That sounds like a mother reprimanding her son, doesn’t it?

This SHIFT will only happen if each of us gets in touch with the creative-self within to create an energy that is comfortable to live and love in. This is a heart-centered action. Do you think we can accomplish this with the “1,2, 3 GO” energy that we are in?

Blessings of Love and Light,

Darlene E. Chadbourne

Midlife Guide & Numerologist

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007




Ninth Month (September) in a Nine Year (2007)

When the 9th day arrives and becomes present in the middle to form a 9/9/9 it totals 27, which also becomes a 9 when it is reduced. Nine has that magical way of completion by always bringing us back to the point of the beginning that has moved to another level, completing a cycle.

I feel this will be the strongest energy of the year, especially where it is sandwiched between a lunar and solar eclipse, the lunar eclipse on 8/28/2007 and the solar eclipse on 9/11/2007.

My son was born on 9/9 in a 9 year and is going through an intense transitional time. A cycle of nine years is referred to as an epicycle in numerology. Change is never easy, but these cyclic changes seem a little more intense. I wonder if all individuals who were born on September 9th in a 9 year are having as difficult time as he is. This energy revisited should bring opportunity to move deeper into your purpose for being here. It is a good time to review the lessons you are here to learn and what you are here to teach.
Then open yourself to all the options available to you at this moment in time. Bring yourself into the present moment and leave the past behind.

No matter who you are you are here on earth in a body for a purpose and your purpose is just as important as anyone else’s. We all have an important role to play on the stage of life. Use this role to contribute to the whole of humanity.

9 is a humanitarian energy as well as representing the completion of a cycle. Also be aware of any abandonment issues that come to the forefront.

I wonder what we will witness on the global scene for completions concerning humanitarian issues. What will we see in our own government? Has our government abandoned us? We have already been witnessing the unraveling of the Bush administration, as more and more members of that administration jump ship. What is this time in history bringing to completion? This completion cycle as a Universal energy will not be around again until 2016.

If you were born in one of these 9 years you will being in sync will the Universal year of 9: 1908, 1917, 1926, 1935, 1944, 1953, 1962, 1971, 1980, 1989, 1998, 2007. What is coming to close in your life this year making room for something new next year?

The bottom line in all of this is: What we focus on we draw to us. So let’s all focus on PEACE and GOODWILL coming to all of humanity, pulling strongly on the positive side of number NINE.

If you need help to see where you stand at this time, I am available for consultations.



Darlene E. Chadbourne
Midlife Guide & Numerologist
